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Firestorm Books & Coffee

North Carolina

610 Haywood Road, Asheville, NC 28806

What are the 3 adjectives you would use to describe your bookstore?

Unpretentious, Seditious, Precarious

Share a quote from a book or poem that bares your bookstore’s soul.

“An anarchist is one who, choosing, accepts the responsibility of choice.”

Ursula K. Le Guin

“I want freedom, the right to self-expression, everybody’s right to beautiful, radiant things.”

Emma Goldman / Living My Life

Why was your bookstore founded/what role does it play in the community?

Our co-operative was founded by activists who wanted to carve out a space to support grassroots organizing and center marginalized communities in the South.

Which champion/warrior/wildcat (real or mythological) does your bookstore channel most?

Medusa, goddess of protection and healing, turned monstrous by injustice (also has great hair).

What makes your bookstore unique?

We’ve been a worker co-operative managed by a queer, feminist collective in Southern Appalachia since our founding in 2008!

Image description: A multi-textured blue background, including textures and words from book pages.