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Oblong Books

New York

6422 Montgomery St., Rhinebeck NY 12572

What are the 3 adjectives you would use to describe your bookstore?

Friendly, inclusive, whimsical.

Share a quote from a book or poem that bares your bookstore’s soul.

The tastes of our bookstore and our booksellers range so wildly that to try to capture one part of it through one book or quote would inevitably exclude some part of our kaleidoscopic, multi-faceted identity! We all, however, rally around Little Witch Hazel… so maybe we should just officially make her our mascot.

Why was your bookstore founded/what role does it play in the community?

Oblong Books is a family-owned business first founded in Millerton, NY in 1975. The Rhinebeck location opened up in 2001. We are the centers of our communities, both as hubs where people can find the books that speak to them and help motivate them, and as places where people can connect and have conversations and find the inspiration to get more involved with the issues that infuriate and intrigue them. We also pride ourselves on being good employers and setting a standard in that regard!

Which champion/warrior/wildcat (real or mythological) does your bookstore channel most?

Frog and Toad. They’re champions in our hearts.

What makes your bookstore unique?

Our curated selection is stunning. Admittedly, I’m biased, but you’ll find books here that you won’t find anywhere else. Our staff pick selection is particularly stellar: our staff reads widely and voraciously, both new books and backlist, small presses and more mainstream publishers, and you’re sure to find a bookseller whose taste you connect with whose read something that you’ve never heard of before but will absolutely fall in love with.

What is something that no one knows about your bookstore?

If we start telling you the secrets of our Borrowers and our ceiling dogs, then you’ll know our weaknesses, so we’ll keep those to ourselves. (Here’s the truth: our staff loves weird little bits, and new imaginary lore gets added to the bookstore once every few weeks.)

Image description: A multi-textured blue background, including textures and words from book pages.