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The Golden Notebook

New York

29 Tinker Street, Woodstock, NY 12498-1294

What are the 3 adjectives you would use to describe your bookstore? 

Cozy, cheery, stuffed!

Why was your bookstore founded/what role does it play in the community? 

Woodstock has long been a haven for artists and the artistic-minded–well before the festival, there were artist colonies founded by folks who found that the Catskills called to them. We’re here for those people, past present and future. We’re open 363 days a year (more or less) because we aren’t just for the visitors, the tourists, the passers-through: we’re here for our community. We’re here for our neighbors. We’re here because this is a community of storytellers and we’re proud to be a place for stories! 

Which champion/warrior/wildcat (real or mythological) does your bookstore channel most? 

Doris Lessing–and not just because we’re named after her most famous book! Lessing was an unrepentant fighter for justice, standing up for the marginalized and the under-sung while also fearlessly writing whatever the hell she wanted, and we’re proud to carry her spirit forward (along with the spirits of all the wonderful, wild, and weird folks who’ve come through Woodstock and the Catskills in the last almost-fifty years.

Image description: A multi-textured blue background, including textures and words from book pages.